Dr Ashok Dyalchand is the Founder Director, Institute of Health Management, Pachod in Aurangabad, Maharashtra among others. It is a public health research and training center with a branch in Pune. He specializes in the management of primary health care, reproductive and child health, adolescent health, HIV AIDS and community ophthalmology. For over two decades he has been involved in capacity building and training of health workers and officials from the NGO and Government sectors in community health and health management.
Institute of Health Management, Pachod (IHMP) has been working with unmarried adolescent girls with the aim of empowering them and delaying age at marriage since 1998. IHMP has been working with married adolescent girls since 2003 to delay first birth and address the burden of morbidity, which is a consequence of early motherhood. Since 2013, IHMP has adopted an integrated approach and is working with unmarried adolescent girls, married adolescent girls, boys and young men through a community based approach. The Institute has been invited by the Government to scale up its Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health model through the formal health infrastructure